How does Hydrogen Affect the Human Body?

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, meaning that at any given time, hydrogen molecules are surrounding you.
Not surprisingly then, Hydrogen molecules are found inside your body. What does this mean for your health?
Hydrogen is a name that you seldom see listed on the ingredients of your favourite grocery store snacks or named on the ingredient list -- so are humans getting enough of it on a daily basis?
Hydrogen is unique in that your body is able to take other micro- and macro-nutrients and, through digestion, convert them into the essential element.
Beyond that, humans consume hydrogen every day through the water they drink. Think back to middle-school chemistry class: Water, otherwise known as H2O, is made up of two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule. Without even thinking about it, you are likely staying hydrated with hydrogenated water.
But what’s the big deal with hydrogen -- what role does it play in our bodies?
The functions of hydrogen within our bodies are endless and cannot be emphasized enough. Hydrogen:
- Allows your cells and body to stay hydrated
- Eliminates toxins and wastes out of your body
- Ensures that your joints stay lubricated
- Catalyzes the transportation of nutrients to organs and remote areas of your body
- Assists the immune system in staying active and alert
In short, hydrogen is the jack of all trades and plays an active role in helping your body perform at its A-game.
Some specific benefits of consuming enough hydrogen include feeling energized and potentially slowing down the ageing process. It’s no secret that carbohydrates provide your body with energy -- whether it be before a long-distance run or for a quick pick-me-up at the office. But have you ever stopped to consider why a couple of crackers or a crisp apple can spike your energy levels? The answer is, in part, thanks to hydrogen.
When you consume carbohydrates, your body breaks the food up into simpler elements like glucose. After further digestion, your body breaks up glucose into carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
Hydrogen ions are then taken to the mitochondria, which, as you might remember, is the powerhouse of the cell. Your body is then able to use this energy to complete everyday tasks, such as waking up, getting to work, and dropping your kids off at school.
Furthermore, many researchers believe that some of the adverse side effects of ageing can be linked to free radicals in the body. Hydrogen may effectively protect the body against free radicals and significantly slow the ageing process.
Now you’re probably wondering how you can consume more hydrogen. Well, the simplest source of hydrogen is from water, as it is made up mostly of the essential element. Other sources include fruits and vegetables, which are high in carbohydrates, and healthy fats like those found in avocados, nuts, and fish.